Essential oils to avoid with cats: Oils high in phenols and eugenols for direct application (topical or internal) such as:
Essential oils to use caution with for cats: Remember: Topical use should be the exception and oils should be well diluted, like for a newborn
For all your essential oils needs click here.
- Basil
- Birch
- Cassia
- Cinnamon
- Clove
- Fennel
- Melaleuca
- Oregano
- Peppermint
- Thyme
- Wintergreen
- Oils high in d-limonene which includes all Citrus oils: Lemon, Wild Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin, Citrus bliss blend, Grapefruit, Lime, Bergamot
Essential oils to use caution with for cats: Remember: Topical use should be the exception and oils should be well diluted, like for a newborn
- Basil
- Birch
- Cypress
- Petigrain
- Roman Chamomile
- Spearmint
- Vetiver
- Arborvitae
- Balance blend – doTERRA
- Cardamom
- Eucalyptus (diffused only)
- Frankincense
- Geranium
- Helichrysum
- Juniper Berry
- Lavender
- Lemongrass
- Marjoram
- Myrrh
- Sandalwood
- Spikenard
For all your essential oils needs click here.